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Alex forsakes Mandela

ALEXANDRA – Alex forsakes its own country, globally revered icon.

Alexandra risks losing its most prized and globally acclaimed possession either from neglect, ignorance or a don’t-care attitude.

This is after a Mandelasque board at a room on 7th Avenue which former late state President Nelson Mandela once occupied was pulled down and dumped like rubbish. A chain which secured the board was also uprooted and left lying on the ground next to the only door into the room used by the iconic leader when as a young man, he first moved to Joburg from his rural Transkei.

Alex Museum education officer Percy Ndaba looks at discarded Mandela board. Photo: Leseho Manala

The incident found out by the Alex Museum staff who operates from across the road left them shocked and wondering if history, posterity and self-pride is worth anything for the township’s residents.

Museum education officer Percy Ndaba said the board which bears important information on the man, country history and struggle for liberation should be respected like any other shrine. Ndana wondered if the internationally recognised blue plaque also conferred on the room by the Joburg City Council and indeed similar ones at other rich history-laden sites in the township will remain safe for long. “Authorities and conscientious residents and citizens should be concerned about this obliteration of our history.”

Alex Museum’s Samuel Mashishi and Percy Ndaba(red top) view Mandela’s dumped board in Alex. Photo: Leseho Manala

He said the danger could result from the lack of knowledge on the importance of heritage sights which should have been imparted when the status was conferred, to help instil pride and desire to protect the board which showed some neglect when it was still standing. Social activist Thabo Mopasi previously decried to Alex News the neglect of the many blue-plagued heritage sites dotted around the township likely to have the highest concentration of such prized possessions in the country if not globally.

Former late state President Nelson Mandela’s own words on Alex. Photo: Leseho Manala

Ndaba was also concerned about the sorry state surrounding the room saying there are further rumours about the room being extended to create rental rooms in the township where any space is exploited for personal gain. This he said as a shack and vending spots have been squeezed into the yard, blocking the view to the room.

“Also, the brick frame built at a cost and meant to support Mandela’s bust is crumbling with no one seemingly concerned if the statue will ever be mounted,” Ndaba said.

Crumbling incomplete brick frame for Mandela’s bust that was never erected. Photo: Leseho Manala

He urged for urgent reaction by authorities before irretrievable damage ends the township’s contribution to an immortal part of history also essential for posterity, economic injection through prime tourism and pride. Meanwhile, the museum staff committed to safeguarding the board which could have ended up in a scrap yard for its metal frame.


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