
Kwabhekilanga Secondary School open recipe of success

ALEXANDRA – Makwela appeals to parents not to dump their children in schools but to become part and parcel of their daily school life.


While the nation and schools were celebrating their 2018 matric pass rate, the Class of 2019 at KwaBhekilanga Secondary School was one week into their syllabus.

The acting school principal Sethlano Makwela said this was their open secret in achieving a good matric pass rate every year. The Class of 2018 achieved a 93.24 per cent matric pass rate putting them top among Alexandra schools.

“This is the culture and open secret of our school’s success,” he said.

“While others are celebrating the previous year’s matric pass rate, our teachers and learners are already in their classes hitting the road.

“As I speak to you, our Grade 12 learners are in their classrooms doing the work. We are done with all the administrative work and learning is under way.”

Makwela said the only challenge they were faced with at Alexandra schools were parents who were reluctant to get involved in their children’s education.

“The success of the learner lies in three actors, the learner, the teacher and the parent but in most cases, the parent is missing. We appeal to the parents not to dump their children in schools but to become part and parcel of their daily school life.”

Also read: Thumbs up for parents’ involvement at MC Weiller Primary School

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