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New schools league to boost girls’ football

ALEXANDRA -– Norwegian Prime Minister Erma Solberg launches the Global Goals Girls Football School League at Alexandra's Number 3 Square Grounds.

The development of young girls’ football in Alexandra has received a major boost following the launch of the first ever Global Goals Girls Football School League, at the Number 3 Square Grounds.

Norwegian Prime Minister Erma Solberg came all the way to Alexandra to launch the league and was joined by friends and partners of the Norwegian and Danish embassies in South Africa, who are all playing a major role in the realisation of the league.

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The formation of the league in Alexandra, which is in partnership with the Alexandra Northrand Local Football Association, the Field Band Foundation, the Schools Sports Council, and the United Nations advocacy group World’s Largest Lesson and the Global Citizen, was spearheaded in Alex by Alex football board member Lusanda Jika.

The launch also marked the celebration of the milestones achieved so far under the Global Goals project, and to spur young people to continue with the fight for the realisation of these goals. These include the end to poverty, hunger, inequality and the establishment of quality education, clean water and sanitation.

Two hundred young football girls, mainly from Alexandra, and 200 young musicians who are members of the Field Band Foundation were at the launch.

“I hope I have now made 400 new friends that will work with me to achieve the Global Goals,” said Solberg.

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“I hope and trust some of you will grow and develop into great soccer stars, musicians, doctors and maybe engineers as well and leaders in many other careers.”

The league will include all 12 primary schools in Alexandra and games will be played on a weekly basis, starting early next year and culminating in a championship final in August.

“The development of girls football in Alexandra will never be the same again,” concluded Jika, who is the first woman to be elected to the executive committee of the grassroots football controlling body in the township and for the Northrand suburban areas.

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