
Criminals beware, Cele is back

ALEXANDRA – Peacebuilders urge for the revival of whistleblowers against crime.


This was said by Lucia Poko, coordinator of NPO Peace Builders’ as the festive season fever kicks in.

Poko said criminals anticipate this period when they loot from citizens who will be overcome with excitement, lower their guard and be easy prey with excess money in their possession at home and in public spaces. “Security should be everyone’s concern at this time and we ought to help each other with the police to fight crime, which dents the image of Alex,” Poko said.

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She added that the NPO, which is part of a national Action Support Group, also reconciles relations in conflict before they escalate to violence between sections of the community. “Also, between residents and foreign nationals who will be targetted by criminals when law enforcement officers concentrate on malls and roads leaving small shop owners including foreign-owned ones providing essential and convenient services vulnerable.”

Poko continued that oftem people who are robbed of goods and money or witnesses of a crime don’t report the incidents. She urged for the revival of the culture of alerting others against criminals as this would assist to end particularly violent crime which is escalating. “The violence has now spread to schools particularly between pupils of Minerva Secondary and Pholosho Junior Secondary schools who resolve their grudges when going to and returning from school using knives and other dangerous weapons including guns.”

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This violence, she said, resulted in a learner from Minerva being stabbed to death on 16 June on 7th Avenue. Poko urged residents to act proactively and report any instance of crime to the police immediately in order to save lives and promote peace. This includes instances of domestic violence in homes.

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