
14 life sentences for Alex balaclava rapist

JOBURG – Serial rapist, Josias Mkansi was given 14 life sentences as well as 158 years in jail, with no prospect for parole.

Justice was served for Josias Mkansi who terrorised residents of Alexandra.

On 3 October, the Johannesburg High Court sentenced Mkansi to 14 life sentences running concurrently as well as 185 consecutive years behind bars – 15 years per aggravated assault conviction plus two 10-year sentences for rape.

Also read: Women and Men Against Child Abuse calls for life in jail for Balaclava Rapists

Mkansi was convicted on 14 counts of rape and two of compelled rape – as the victim’s male companions were forced to participate – as well as a further 11 charges for kidnapping, assault and theft with aggravating circumstances.

Non-government organisation, Women and Men Against Child Abuse played a crucial role in supporting the victims in court and welcomed the sentence.

“We are extremely relieved that Mkansi will not be seeing the light of day again and hope that this serious sentence will act as deterrent to other perpetrators out there. Rape is a repulsive crime which leaves victims with a lifetime sentence of their own,” said Miranda Jordan of the organisation.

According to the association, from 2009 their Kidz Clinics noticed an increase in reported rape cases and saw a distinct and horrific pattern emerging. It pointed out that Mkansi and his partner in crime, Sinja Robin Mabitsela’s rape spree continued unabated through Alex, mainly focusing on a park that was used as thoroughfare and for recreation by local residents.

It took a further six years before the perpetrators were arrested a year apart, mainly due to the fact that identification was made impossible by the balaclavas used to cover their faces and it was only due to perseverance that they were tracked through victims’ stolen phones and a tip-off from the public.

Read: UPDATE: Alex balaclava rapist gang member found guilty in South Gauteng High Court

The case started in Alexandra Magistrates’ Court, however moved to the South Gauteng High Court due to the serious nature of the crimes and high number of victims and incidents. The brazen manner in which they had unprotected sex with their victims proved to be their downfall as DNA evidence was used to prove their guilt and convictions were obtained in March against both of them.

Mkansi’s name has been added to the National Register for Sex Offenders.

Mabitsela will be sentenced on 16 November.

Edited by Stacey Woensdregt

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