
Alex schools blessed with new uniforms

ALEXANDRA - The Sibusiso Cosmos Zwane Foundation in partnership with Tsalena Cares donate uniforms to three Alex primary schools.


Alexandrians are no longer sitting on their laurels and waiting for a messiah to come and help their less fortunate but are now doing it for themselves.

This was the crux of the message at the uniform donation to the less fortunate children of Alexandra’s three primary schools, Bovet, Emfundisweni and Ithute, by the Sibusiso Cosmos Zwane (SCZ) Foundation in partnership with Tsalena Media.

Linden-based Tsalena Media is an advertising agency that also sponsors the annual Sibusiso ‘Cosmos’ Zwane Tournament for school soccer in Alex, Highlands North, Northview and other surrounding areas.

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Speaking at the handover of the uniforms at Ithute, Sibusiso ‘Cosmos’ Zwane said he was thrilled to have partnered with Tsalena for this community building initiative. (Zwane acquired his nickname as a legend of the beautiful game at Jomo Cosmos Football Club.)

At Ithute, 13 uniforms were handed over while Bovet and Emfundisweni each got 10 uniforms. Two more children at Ithute, who were victims of a recent shack fire in 14th Avenue, will be catered for at a later stage as they were not part of the initial needy list.

Jerry Ramodike, managing director of Tsalena Media; Avumile Malindi; Nocawe Ntlebi, coordinator of nutrition at Ithute; and Alex football legend Sibusiso Cosmos Zwane of the Sbusiso Cosmos Zwane Foundation share the joy of the uniform donation.

Kenny Hlaise of Tsalena Cares, a corporate social investment arm of the advertising agency, said the uniforms for the two children would be delivered once the teachers can verify the correct sizes for the children, who are apparently not attending school anymore because their uniforms also perished in the fire.

Asked how the three schools were chosen, both Hlaise and Zwane said charity begins at home and then spreads like wildfire to reach other people.

“I was a pupil at Emfundisweni and I had to start at home,” Zwane said. As for Ithute, he said he cares for a neighbour’s child who goes to Ithute, and hence he also considers the school as his home on behalf of the boy.

Hlaise is a former pupil at Bovet Primary School and he too believes he could not have started anywhere else but at the primary school where he cut his teeth in education.

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School principal Mduduzi Gwala said he was overwhelmed by the generous gesture and added: “On behalf of the school, the school governing body and entire school management, teachers and other staff, I would like to extend our great appreciation for the kind gesture which will go a long way in relieving the burden of poverty on the families and children.”

Send your messages of support to Sibusiso ‘Cosmos’ Zwane Foundation and Tsalena Cares for the gesture. WhatsApp your views on 079 439 5345.

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