
Standard Bank commits to future partnership with Alex schools

ALEXANDRA - Provincial leadership was recently lauded for its focus on education which has helped secure computer donations for needy secondary schools in Alexandra.

This was said by Standard Bank representative, Josh Zwane who, when donating the items to the schools, said they would be used to boost the township’s education.

Zwane said the donation was a precursor of more support still to come which started with last year’s donations to schools in Ivory Park. He said it was the bank’s responsibility to give back to schools and communities which developed its and other companies’ human resources base.

“The provincial leadership’s passion for education facilitated the decision for the donation which will consolidate and result in more support of schools and other areas of need in the future,” said Zwane, alluding to possible support through training in basic financial skills and management at schools.

“Children need to learn financial management skills early in order for them to develop a culture of saving in their own self-interest and for the country.”

He added that the bank’s Corporate Social Investment and enterprise development units would engage the schools to explore other potential areas of support which, hopefully, will stimulate other donors to assist where the bank’s support was limited. This he said in reference to education software programmes installed on the donated computers.

The Joburg East District director of education, Mnyamezeli Ndevu, urged principals of the schools to prepare for the bank’s financial literacy training courses which commence in June and will begin with Grade 12 pupils.

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