
Gardener crashes employer’s Mercedes Benz and runs away

ALEXANDRA - The Alexandra Magistrates Court remanded in custody, a male Morningside gardener pending further investigation in an alleged case of destruction of his employer's property.

The Alexandra Magistrates’ Court remanded a Morningside gardener in custody pending further investigation for an alleged case of destruction of his employer’s property.

The court heard that at about 10.30am on 13 February this year, the gardener’s employers went shopping and left him and their domestic worker working at their home. About half-an-hour later, the employers received a call from the domestic worker informing them that the gardener had crashed their Mercedes Benz into the garage wall and had then ran away.

The employers were said to have asked the domestic worker if she knew how the gardener had got hold of their vehicle’s keys but didn’t receive a satisfactory response.

They then phoned the gardener and asked him to return to the house so that he and the domestic worker could tell them what had happened. The gardener returned and after explaining what had happened, police came to arrest him. He will reappear in court after the investigation is completed.

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