
Alex Police Station commander: Crime is stabilising

ALEXANDRA - The Alex Police Station Commander is confident that her team will soon overcome the spate of crime said to be engulfing the township.

Acting Alexandra Police Station commander, Colonel Nhluvuko Zondi, is confident police will soon overcome the crime which is engulfing the township.

This as reports continue to project the township as being unsafe for its residents, visitors and those passing by.

Zondi said police would spare no effort to get crime in the township under control. “As of now, I can say [crime] is stabilising, and over time and with the collaboration of residents, we expect to overcome it and make the area safe for residents to go about their business and daily lives,” Zondi promised.

In the article, Councillor concerned about crime and water wastage, week ending 11 September, a local councillor, Deborah Francisco, said Alex residents were no longer safe in their homes and on the streets. Another councillor, Monde Mbingeleli, expressed concern about nyaope addicts who congregated at street intersections where they robbed women of their valuables which they sold for money to sustain their drug habit.

In another article, Rape warning, week ending 4 September, police expressed concern over the number of rapes and hijackings; while in Crime concerns, week ending 21 August, councillor Chris Mabunda expressed his concern about escalating crime following the murder of a resident on his way to work in the morning.

Acknowledging the issues raised, Zondi said they expected the recently-elected Community Policing Forum (CPF) to play a major role in improving collaboration between the police and residents, and in encouraging residents to report crime and criminals.

“[The CPF] will have to be trained properly to better understand and execute their roles effectively and to set up street committees which will be the residents’ and police’s eyes and ears against crime.”

She added that police had met tavern operators in the township who allegedly contributed to crime by flouting bylaws by operating after hours. “They pledged to collaborate with the police and to abide by the law,” said Zondi.

“We will hold them to their commitment and meet often to update each other on developments.”

Zondi further stated that they would meet other community stakeholders, including traditional leaders and members of property owners’ associations, who have roles to play in securing the community.

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