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Motsepe Foundations cheers Alex kids

ALEXANDRA - CHRISTMAS is about giving, sharing, joy and celebration, and also to aid millions who do not have anything to share due to poverty.

This was the spirit that exuded from volunteers and officials from the Motsepe Foundation when they distributed toys and other items to hundreds of children in Alexandra. The occasion is an annual event which partners municipalities countrywide to support children with gifts to brighten their festive season.

Last year, more than 150 000 children, in 120 townships in 30 municipalities received toys, and this year, hundreds in Alex joined thousands of other recipients and received over 200 000 toys in the presence of parents and officials of organisations supporting them.

In a statement, the founder of the initiative and mining mogul, Patrice Motsepe said the children got toys which they would not otherwise have had for Christmas and this brought great joy and cheer to them as they also did not get toys at any other time of the year.

“Our purpose is to give back and to make life better for those who are not as fortunate as us,” he said.

At the distribution at the Altrec Sports Complex, parents and residents cheered as children left with toys. Officials managed to give every child a toy, thus sharing the joy when they left with pride, toy in hand – a thing they will cherish for a long time.

More children received gifts at the Sankopano Community Centre.

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