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Bontle Bo Afrika gives back to the community as it cleans Realogile

The Alex-based Bontle Bo Afrika Foundation paints and cleans Realogile Secondary School after the foundation founder Refiloe Khunou, who is a spiritual healer, says he was guided and instructed by his ancestors to go and do the work at the school.

Realogile High School has received a spruce-up from the Bontle Bo Afrika Foundation as part of a programme to revive the culture of learning at the school.

The foundation founder Refiloe Khonou said he decided to launch the school cleaning programme with no funds and depended only on donations from people who were interested in the initiative. Some of them not only donated money to buy the products but brought the products themselves.

Some of the volunteers painting the school.
Some of the volunteers painting the school. Photo: Alulutho Siboma,

“We decided to contribute to a good cause, so we started this initiative with no funding, but because I am a spiritually gifted person, my guides are always in control. They showed me to begin at Realogile, which is what I did,” Khonou said.

Since the foundation promotes the diversity, values, and culture of Africa, they enlisted the help of everyone including the African brothers for them to contribute towards a good cause. This effort was created to bring people together to achieve a greater good as they believe in the spirit of African humanity. With the donations they purchased, they cleaned and painted the school since they feel a clean environment rejuvenates learners’ minds.

A part of the school premises has already been painted
A part of the school premises has already been painted. Photo: Alulutho Siboma,

The chairperson of the school’s SGB Aubrey Mudau was also present to help with the painting because, according to him, he thinks it will improve the school’s functionality and pave the way for its restoration. When questioned about the school’s performance, he stated that they consistently strive for greater percentages and that this year is no exception.

He claims that they have plans in place to help them reach that objective. Also, because of the dedication the present candidates are displaying, they are optimistic about this year’s results. He claimed that as SGBs, it is their responsibility to always ensure that resources are accessible to both teachers and learners.

The paint
The paint that was donated and used to paint the school premises. Photo: Alulutho Siboma,

According to the foundation, they are still assessing the progress of this first project before going on to the other schools.

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