
Zenzeleni learners in Alexandra receive dignity packs.

The City of Johannesburg hands out dignity packs to learners of Zenzeleni Primary School in Alexandra.

Zenzeleni Primary School hosted the City of Johannesburg and its stakeholders when they visited the school on March 6, to hand out dignity packs to learners.

The gesture was part of a mayoral project that goes around donating dignity packs to schools around Johannesburg and Zenzeleni was one of them. The packs included sanitary pads, bath soap, toothpaste, towels, lotion and toothbrushes.

Principal Thandi Gumede said the dignity packs will make a lot of difference to the learners in terms of their hygiene especially the girls, as more than 700 of the learners received the packs from Grade R right up to Grade 7.

“As a school, we encourage all our parents to educate our learners about their bodies while they are still young as this will come in handy when they reach the stage of being self-conscious about the developments of their bodies, to help them cope with the changes that occur,” Gumede said.

The school prides itself on having subjects like life orientation and life skills which form part of the school curriculum as learners are taught hygiene and reproductive education. The school encourages parents to also reinforce the message at home.

“I am excited about the presents that we received today, and I know my mom will also be happy when she sees my pack as it will save her little money to do other things,” said one learner when asked how she felt.

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