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Sayza and his Ama’Gomora artists tackle social ills at Alex schools

Kgotlello "Sayza" Machoga and his Ama’Gomora artists launch a tour of Alex schools to tackle rampant social ills among learners such as bullying, drug abuse and teenage pregnancies.

“If we, as the youth, don’t seize the opportunity to tackle social problems that bedevil us and tend to stunt our growth and development as future citizens and leaders of this country, who will?”.

This is the profound question being posed by Minerva High School learner and Alex ‘songbird’ Kgotlello Machoga, popularly known in the music industry as ‘Sayza’, when he returned to his former primary school, Skeen, and wooed both the learners and teachers with his musical prowess.

He and his music partners in the Ama’Gomora album collaboration belted some of their songs and mesmerised the young learners and teachers alike, who called out for some more, and Sayza and the team had to bonus them with two more tracks from the same album.

But Sayza and his other artists in the Ama’Gomora album collaboration did not come to the school empty-handed. They dished out gifts in the form of sanitary towels, hand and body lotions, caps of different colours, and sim cards – all courtesy of Sharing is Caring Entertainment, Ikgantsheng ka Setso, Rivers Foundation, Sasol, and Alex FM.

The learners were also given a motivational lecture on bullying, education, gender-based violence and the importance of sexual abstinence. “We have a number of social ills that currently bedevil our communities such as drug abuse, teenage pregnancies and bunking school.

“I want to tell you that ‘skool is kool’, learning is cool, and that drugs are not cool at all. Stay away from drugs as they ruin your future and keep away from teen sex,” was the advice Sayza and team shared with the enthusiastic learners who joined in the lyrics of the songs from Ama’Gomora.

Asked why he decided to embark on the school tour, Sayza said the intention was to ‘try and wise up our teenage learners about the dangers of social ills afflicting us and how best we can navigate them’.

“If we, as the youth, don’t seize the opportunity to tackle the social problems that bedevil us, who will? The onus is on us to tackle these social ills that stunt our growth and development as future citizens and leaders of this country,” Sayza answered.

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