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Alex opera ‘rapper’ on the rise

If people want me to be a rapper, then I am an opera ‘rapper’, says opera musician Joey De Tenor to his critics.

Opera music is not everyone’s cup of tea in Alexandra and hence Joey De Tenor was often vilified when he openly displayed his talent for that genre.

Joey De Tenor (29) but turning 30 in February, and whose birth name is Joey Mabusela, was often tormented by colleagues who wanted to know why on earth he chose to sing opera when he could be rapping and doing music that is more youthful and popular.

“My answer to them was simple and straight forwards. This is the genre of music that I love and can sing better. I don’t want to do something because it is popular and is loved by the youth. I will do the music genre that I love. If that’s what they want, I am an opera rapper,” he told Alex News in an interview.

The Limpopo-born tenor, who recently mesmerised mourners at the memorial service of the late Bishop Abraham Matome and also received a standing ovation at an ENSafrica event at the Alex Mall, relocated to Alex in 2010 to seek greener pastures and possible college studies.

Joey De Tenor, performs at the ENSafrica Business Plan Competition. Photo: Sipho Siso

All his academic dreams of being a human resource management specialist were all but scuppered by thin finances. “I then decided to stick to what I know best – opera which I started at school in Limpopo as a chorister at the age of 15.”

Joey said they used to do choral music competitions back at school. “It’s an easy graduation for me from choral music to opera, as I consider opera to be the European version of choral music here.

“On arrival in Alex, I started the Kasi opera but later changed it to Joey De Tenor and have since opened a foundation under the same name to teach township children opera,” Joey said.

Joey Mabusela, who goes goes by the stage name of Joey De Tenor. Photo: Sipho Siso

He has worked with Voices of the World, Alex Harmonious Melody at the Lutheran Church on 3rd Avenue, and also anchored Sounds of a Theatre Choir and performed at the premiere of The Women King at the Mall of Africa.

Joey Mabusela, who goes goes by the stage name of Joey De Tenor, belts out his opera tenor voice to the delight of his audience at the ENSafrica Business Plan Competition. Photo: Sipho Siso

“I have also done the Music and Trucks concerts of Refilwe Pieterse and also teamed up with ‘Master Zulu’ or ‘MaOrange’, as many call the seasoned Israel Zulu, to teach responsible beer drinking along with Nomsa ‘The Diva’ Buthelezi in partnership with Sanca [South African National Council on Alcoholism],” said Joey, the firstborn of five children whose parents are still back in Limpopo.

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