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Organisers of Rotary Grounds games in Alex urged to stop all football activities

ALEXANDRA – The organisers of the Rotary Grounds games in Alex have been urged to stop all football activities in line with the Covid-19 regulations.

Alexandra police and Alexandra Northrand Local Football Association (ANLFA) have jointly called on the organisers of the soccer games taking place at the Rotary Grounds to stop all football activities immediately.

This comes after widespread allegations that these games which are gambled upon and normally take place at the Rotary Grounds behind the Madala Hostel are being played. This despite the fact that all football activities have been banned by the mother body, the South African Football Association (Safa) in line with the regulations of the Covid-19 lockdown. Besides money being the main gambling currency, some of the items on the gambling menu include the numerous goats that freely roam Alexandra and are known to be mostly owned by some of the hostel residents at Madala.

It is believed the games have been going on for the past three weeks or so and that some players and coaches of the ANLFA, which is the local custodian of all things football, are allegedly actively taking part in these illegal games. The secretary-general of the football association Malvin Khumalo said it had come to their attention that these games were being played despite the ban of all things football by Safa.”As we are under lockdown and asked to stay indoors, we have not been able to confirm this but as the SG [secretary-general], I have received numerous calls from various concerned people asking me what we are doing to stop the illegal football activities currently going on at the Rotary Grounds, which also involve some of our players and coaches.

Alexandra police spokesperson Sergeant Simphiwe Mbatha and ANLFA secretary-general Malvin Khumalo. Photo: Zanele Siso/Zanephoto

“I humbly appeal to all those involved in organising and playing and coaching, to immediately cease all football activities and observe the lockdown regulations which were put in place to save lives and ensure we are all safe from the deadly Covid-19 global pandemic,” Khumalo said.His appeal was echoed by Alexandra police spokesperson Sergeant Simphiwe Mbatha, who urged the community to always be the eyes and ears of the police and report all illegal activities taking place in their neighbourhood.

“All things football are banned under the Covid-19 lockdown regulations and we would like to urge our people to respect and observe the regulations and not indulge in illegal activities that end with being arrested and charged, and most probably with a criminal record. “We will not hesitate to arrest anyone breaking the law. I am pleading with them to cease all illegal football activities forthwith. This thing [Covid-19] will come to pass and we can all then lead our normal lives again,” Mbatha said.Khumalo concluded, “We all love football, we all miss our games but let’s be patient and remain responsible citizens. The time will come when the whole pandemic will be a thing of the past and we can all return to our fields of play ? alive.”

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