
Lesotho student’s murder case transferred to High Court

ALEXANDRA – Murder accused student with hanging extradition heads to high court

A Lesotho national and resident of Midrand who was appearing in the Alexandra Magistrates’ Court for murder, had his case transferred to the Joburg High Court.

Napo Masike (26), an IT student who’s case has been reported on several times in Alex News, is charged with the gruesome murder of a woman who was a friend of his sister.

The incident occurred in May this year at his Midrand home during an alleged drug and drinking spree he claimed led him to throttle the victim in self-defence. He bundled her body into a refuse bin and dumped it in nearby bushes.

He was arrested after two Uber taxi drivers he had apparently called separately in a bid to get rid of the body had refused and reported it to the police. Also, security guards at the complex confirmed him exiting the complex with the bin but returning without it.

DNA test results are also pending to determine if the victim was sexually abused. Masike also faces an extradition request from his home country for a sexual offence case and is wanted in India where he fled for a similar crime.

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