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Councillors confident of their parties’ victory

Ramaphosa Gauteng's trump card


When the results of the fifth National General Elections of 8 May and winners are announced many will be bewildered by the outcome.

This as political parties went into the elections not to lose but to win incrementally from the past to show growth in the public’s confidence in their programs for change and improvement of the citizens’ well-being.

Two prominent Alex politicians from opposing parties had their say on the matter. Shadrack Mkhonto of the DA was confident of his party’s prospects in Gauteng province. “Internal party statistics announced at the final rally showed us neck and neck at 39 to 41 per cent with the ANC in the province,” he said.

Sensing victory he attributed to voters’ views during to door-to-door campaigns and public sentiments about corruption tainting the ruling ANC, Mkhonto said, “Opposition parties are as in the past, amenable to a coalition which will, like in the Joburg City Council elections, introduce a check and balance that will stop the corruption at provincial level.”

DA councillor Shadrack Mkhonto. Photo: Leseho Manala

He said smaller political parties irked by the corruption will be the kingmakers in the anti-graft crusade. “They won’t want to be associated with corruption which stole from the fiscus resulting in corrupt officials and parties enriched at the expense of service delivery to poor communities.”

Mkhonto urged for partners in coalitions to be principled by looking at national challenges beyond issue based. “They should be willing to share important positions in committees and ministerial positions in the interest of advancing the public’s overall interest in change.”

Councillor Adolph Raphadu said, ” Without fear of contradiction, the ANC will win, the EFF may grow exponentially but still below any major threat while the DA which has no pro-poor history will not get close to power in the province.”

He said the ANC campaign had come clean with the voters on the corruption and incompetence of former president Jacob Zuma’s era, through a new leader in Matamela Ramaphosa who is on a mission to clean up the party. “Commission probing the grant continues to expose the rot and Ramaphosa is committed not to include tainted politicians in cabinet positions, urged parliament to do likewise and for those found guilty of corruption to be prosecuted.”

ANC councillor Adolph Marema. Photo: Leseho Manala

Raphadu said despite Ramaphosa having been Zuma’s deputy, his hands were tied then as decisions were vested only in the president. “Those raised concerns through motions of no confidence in him were either reshuffled or fired.”

Also, he regretted state capture under Zuma saying that it created factionalism within the party which Ramaphosa will have to resolve through bold and resolute leadership. “The culture of theft and looting with impunity will be his priority to inspire the voters’ confidence in the ANC for the five-year period in which those fingered in wrongdoing by commissions and investigations will have to prove their innocence only in court.”

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