
Alex FM writes to us

ALEXANDRA -– Alex FM board writes to Alex News in a bid to correct what is called misconceptions about the numerous articles published by the newspaper recently on the goings-on at the radio station.


In the article Another spectacular embarrassment for Alex FM board of directors in Week ending 13 July, 2018 we covered problems being experienced at the station. The board feels the article didn’t give their side of the story, so, here it is …

Tshepo Ramatlo, a member of the Alex FM board, writes:

The board was at no stage informed of grievances by staff. The unprotected strike by staff members cited issues that were not in control of the board, such as microphones, volunteers, interns etc.

The final order of 26 June clearly stated that all 26 staff members must return to work on 27 June from 12pm on condition the employees individually write to the board listing all the conditions as set out by the court judgment. Their attorney, Mr Ndabeni requested the Judge to help him interpret what ‘individually’ meant.

The board went back to court on 29 June where the judge reversed the court fees of 26 June. The respondents to pay the costs of 29 June. Only three failed to write to the board, thereby defying a legitimate court order.

Legal advice is sought on the judgment of 10 July. None of the respondents was served by any sheriff nor the attorneys. The lawyers

representing Alexfm informed Ndabeni Attorneys that they had no instruction to represent individuals as cited in the court document. They [Ndabeni] must serve the papers directly to the individuals. None of the board members was served.

The board invited the three directors to a meeting on Friday 13 July. None of them attended or submitted apologies to the secretary. The meeting proceeded and nominated interim positions to fill those left vacant by the judgment of 10 July.

The current developments have divided the community and we can only hope that the new licence applied for will be granted despite these challenges.

There are two court judgments that are in place. One against the unprotected strike, and two, the removal of directors. Only Icasa observes over legitimate convened and structured general meetings.

Also, read: 

Community members appoint six men and women to lead Alex FM’s interim board

Alex FM strike now a go-slow

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