
Police arrest two of the clinic murderers

ALEXANDRA – Two members of gruesome clinic murderers remanded in custody.


A woman and a man appeared in the Alexandra Magistrates’ Court on 1 June charged with two horrific murders which occurred minutes apart at night on 26 May in Alex.

Gladys Magocoma (49) and Thokozani Mthembu (47) were remanded in custody by Magistrate Renier Boshoff until 7 June for their bail application. They were arrested on 29 May in Joburg. Police are trying to trace to their accomplices.

A police investigation has linked two murders initially reported in Alex News as separate.

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The first victim had been stoned to death at about 8.15pm by a mob outside the Old Council building, next to the court on 2nd Street in Wynberg.

The second victim was stabbed to death at about 8.30pm in the casualty department of Alex Community Health Centre. Two men are said to have brought him from the scene of the first incident in a trolley for treatment of unspecified wounds.

Sandile Gwai of the Provincial Department of Health indicates where a patient was left dead after a mob stabbed him to death. Photo: Leseho Manala

The clinic murder left the nation shocked after widespread media coverage. The mob was reportedly chanting and stabbing him while medical staff were trying to treat him. The mob pulled him onto the floor where they left him dead in his blood.

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The staff who were treating him and some outpatients ran away while others remained transfixed with shock. All witnesses had to receive trauma counselling, and the clinic was closed until the following morning while it was processed by police before being cleaned.

The two suspects were said to have been identified in CCTV footage as part of the mob which brushed aside security guards at the gate and gained entry into the clinic while brandishing pangas and knives with one said to have been carrying a gun.

The female suspect is reported to have identified the victim before he was attacked in the clinic.

The mob then left immediately afterwards.

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