
Alex policeman wounded by robbers

ALEXANDRA – Policeman hospitalised from encounter with spaza robbers.

A police officer from the Alex Police Station is in hospital receiving treatment for a gunshot wound sustained in an encounter with robbers early morning on 12 June.
He is said to be in a stable condition.

The victim with others on patrol in a vehicle were responding to an alleged robbery taking place at a spaza shop at the intersection of 1st and Alfred Nzo avenues, Alexandra.

Police spokesperson Captain Allie Kodisang said two robbers intercepted a crew in a truck delivering paraffin at the shop in a crowded area and demanded money and cellphones.

They took a phone from the crew assistant and R1 500 from the driver, from who they were still struggling to also take his cellphone, when the officers approached them. The suspects allegedly pointed guns at the officers and one of them shot the victim in the shoulder as they fled the scene.

Kodisang said the police couldn’t shoot back due to the crowd and luckily, no one else was injured. The officer was rushed to the hospital in a squad vehicle. Several spent cartridges were recovered from the scene. Investigations continue.

Also read: Community claims police brutality in Alex

Details: Alex Police Station 011 439 7718/9

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