
Prayer meeting seeks divine intervention in killings

ALEXANDRA – A prayer meeting to seek divine intervention for the current spate of killings will be held at the Thusong Youth Centre.


Week-long prayer meetings will be held at the Thusong Youth Centre in Alexandra to seek divine intervention in the current spate of killings of women and children that is engulfing the country like wildfire.

Organiser of the prayer meeting and facilitator of end-user computing at Thusong Youth Centre, Tiyani Thlakate said the meetings will be held at the centre from 5 to 8 June.

Thlakate called on young and old, men and women, and boys and girls to join the prayer meetings to ask for divine intervention to stop what he called ‘the senseless butchering of fellow human beings’.

The prayer sessions will run for an hour every day, starting at 5:30pm and ending at 6:30pm, said Thlakate, who added that he had seen the need to endeavour to unite the nation against the spate of killings. “If we’re not united we shall not conquer this evil, hence we need to come together in worship and ask for divine intervention.”

Other organisations involved in the prayer meeting include the Victory Life Church International in Marlboro and Thlakate said they have invited councillors and the Victim Empowerment Unit from Alex Police Station.

“We want to see peace in the community and people living in love and embracing one another irrespective of religious differences.”

Meanwhile, Youth Day on 16 June will see another major gathering at the Thusong Youth Centre which will involve mainly the youth to try and seek solutions to the challenges bedevilling them.

Thlakate said greed was the driving force behind the recent spate of killings of women and children.

Details: Tiyani Thlakate 074 540 5277.

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