Bullying: What parents should know

A common misconception is that it is the teacher or school’s responsibility to address bullying. However, parents have a responsibility, too.

When you first learn that your child is being bullied, you may experience various emotions, from rage to terror to despair. These feelings and behaviours are typical of parents who want their children to feel valued, safe, and loved. To be a good advocate for your child, you must first identify your feelings before focusing on building an action plan to assist your child.

What are the indicators that your child is being bullied?

Signs that your child is being bullied could include:

Have a conversation with your child

Sometimes parents are unaware that their child is being bullied. Some children are bullied into keeping quiet. They may also remain silent because they are ashamed that they allowed something to happen. They may be afraid that their parents would either criticise them or act in a way that may make things worse. If you suspect your child is being bullied, you must sit down with them and discuss the issue.

When you first discuss bullying with your child, be prepared to listen without judgement and provide a safe and supportive environment where your child may work through their feelings. Children may not be ready to open up immediately since they are also dealing with the emotional impacts of bullying and may feel uncertain, frightened, vulnerable, angry, or sad. When your child begins to narrate their experience, simply listen without passing judgement. 

Good to know: It is critical to discover as much as possible about the problem, including how long the behaviour has been going on, who has been involved, and what steps have been made. Encourage your child to communicate by assuring them that they are not alone and that you are available to assist them.

Make certain your child understands:

Encourage and empower your child

After hearing your child’s experience, encourage them to develop a plan of action to help end the bullying. Discuss with your child how you can help them and intervention tactics they can use, such as collaborating with the school or advocating for themselves. Making a strategy that utilises your child’s talents and abilities can aid in developing self-confidence and resilience. Share these agreed-upon tactics with individuals involved in your child’s life, such as teachers, sport coaches, and other adults with whom your child interacts daily.

Understand your legal rights

Examine your child’s school’s bullying policy. Each school has various bullying policies, practises, and standards for how teachers should respond. 

Consider who else should be involved

In addition to encouraging and empowering your child to make a plan, it can be very beneficial to document the measures you intend to do or have already taken. Written records give a history of incidents and replies, which can be extremely useful when dealing with school authorities or law enforcement. You should also devise a strategy involving people who can assist your child. This could include deciding who you will contact at school, what questions you will ask them, and how you will be involved. Other choices include seeking help from a school counsellor or other health specialists. Your plan may involve contacting local law police or legal counsel if the situation does not improve.

Bullying and keeping records

When a child is the victim of bullying, parents must document the occurrences and create a record (or history) of what is happening with their child. This document is useful when speaking with teachers, police enforcement, or other professionals who may need to support parents in intervening against bullying. Data is essential. Remember, if it isn’t written down, it doesn’t exist.

Which children are the most likely to be bullied?

Bullying facts (information provided by Safer Schools)

Valuable resources for children

Websites dealing with bullying

Further reading



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