
A socially safe app for woman

You can actually alert the next person that I am in trouble, and from these alerts, your next of kin can move to the area that the alert would’ve come from. The app can access the location of the individual and help determine when was the last place the person was active

The recent issues relating to crime, rape and women abuse has asked for the much-needed creation of the socially safe app.

“This app basically joins you, your friends, your next of kin and your families together,” Dj LeSoul said.
“You can actually alert the next person that I am in trouble, and from these alerts, your next of kin can move to the area that the alert would’ve come from. The app can access the location of the individual and help determine when was the last place the person was active.

Talking to LeSoul, real name Nonkuleko Mdlalose, the app aims to not only to assist in social issues but to also connect related stakeholders within our communities. This will include, health facilities, security companies, police, and government-related entities such as social workers.

The app was created by independent and private developers and works on the robotic system. Where the user would be able to, through their online status indicate how safe or unsafe they are.

If the user is on the green, this will highlight that the user is safe, and if the user is on amber this will indicate that the user might sense something might happen to them and red, indicating that they are indeed in trouble.
One of the main objectives of this app is to start a conversation and to understand how long government entities take to solve some of the social issues.

The app was developed in nine months and will be free to download when it launches. The app is currently in its testing phase and is expected to launch on December 1st, which also happens to be on world international aids day.
The cost of using this app will start at R5.00 for a full month and will be free to download.

You can read the full story on our App. Download it here.

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