
Tips to beat the Christmas rush

Hour-long traffic jams, buying almost shoulder-to-shoulder with hundreds of others, rushing to buy alternatives for some items already sold out, the long lines at the pay counters, and not to mention trying to keep one eye on where the kids are.

This is what Christmas shopping is usually like, but with these tips you can take some of the rushing around out of the festive season.

Make an early Christmas gift list
Gone are the days when you have to give a gift to everyone. Times are kind of hard, financially speaking, so concentrate your gifts on your immediate family, very close friends, and the usual office or school gifts. Once you have your list down, try to think of what could be appropriate for each person.

Budget ahead of time with real money
Budgeting ahead of December means that you can shop for food and gifts early. When you make your gift and food list you also need to see if these fit into your budget. Don’t forget to also budget ahead for possible parties at the office, with close friends, with extended family, or your children’s school parties. It’s better to pay for everything in cash so you don’t rack up large credit card debt in January.

Save time and shop online
Time is money and shopping online can save you hours walking through the shops, queuing up and trying to get a parking space. Just make sure you purchase from a reputable online store and check on the delivery details, getting in early should avoid you anxiously waiting by the mailbox on Christmas Eve for your gifts to arrive.
* Information obtained from

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Carmen Norton

Features project managerFeatures project manager, Caxton Community Newspapers (2006 - 2020)

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