Craig receives a new bulletproof vest

A CPF officer was shot on Friday, October 14.

Craig Nash, a member from Brackendowns CPF, was hit in the shootout between eight suspects in a minibus and members of CPF and Brackenhurst Reservists.

The shooting took place near Mimmos on the corner of Hennie Alberts Street and Michelle Avenue in Meyersdal on Friday, October 14 at approximately 19:55.

Luckily he had his bulletproof vest on and was left only with a huge bruise on the left side of his stomach.

Brackendowns reservists and Bracken CPF pulled over a suspicious minibus, the occupants exited the vehicle and immediately started firing at the members. One suspect was shot on the scene and in the follow-up operation involving the CPF and private security firms, another suspect was shot and arrested.

A total of five suspects were arrested. It is suspected that they were on their way to pull a robbery in the shopping complex.

The area was saturated by CPF and SAPS members searching for further perpetrators.

On October 19, Brackendowns CPF received a new bulletproof vest for Craig Nash from Liquid Bullet.

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