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Group for stroke survivors

Paul Sellmann wants to help and make a change in others lifes.

ON MAY 10, 2013 Paul Sellmann’s wife, Aurelia, suffered a haemorrhagic stroke leaving her paralysed down her right-hand side.

Not being on private medical aid, Aurelia was admitted to a state hospital and after only six days, Paul was notified that due to bed shortages, Aurelia had to be discharged and even worse, due to a misunderstanding by the ward matron, Paul was instructed that Aurelia would only be able to get to see the doctor and get much needed physio 16 days later.

Thus, desperately wanting to care for his beloved wife, Paul took matters into his own hands and began to search the web and devised an intensive physio routine that began the very same day Aurelia was discharged from the hospital. By the time Aurelia saw the doctor she was already getting some movement back, and in a short while was able to walk by herself.

Paul and Aurelia have come to realise that it takes a lot of perseverance, heartache, loving care, time and patience to be able to deal with a stroke. Both the stroke survivor and the people that love and care for them have an enormous challenge ahead as they all learn to deal with all the many and often, tricky issues surrounding stroke.

Paul has learnt so much from his hands-on experience that he has started a family care group to help fellow stroke carers cope with the difficult situations awaiting them. This includes the stroke survivor, their spouses, their children and also the parents of the stroke survivor.

“I needed someone with answers during that time of our life and there was no one like that,” he said.

“I cannot talk about The Stroke Survivors Family Support Group without being emotional. Their stories are just heartbreaking, but you smile when you hear the end of their stories.”

The group has meetings every second Saturday of a month at 14:00 at the Brackenhurst Baptist Church at 5 Kariba Street.

“If you are battling with your situation at any time night or day, Paul is always available for you to call.” He can be contacted on 082 677 2811 or send an email to paul@strokesurvivors.org.za

He is also inviting people to their meetings.

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