Johnson Street businesses demand action from SAB

The businesses in Johnson Street, Alrode have had to deal with big trucks that collect and deliver from South African Alrode Brewery for some years now. The large link trucks arrive a couple of times a month and take over the entire street, making life very difficult for the other businesses in the street. They demand action from SAB regarding this issue.

ALBERTON- South African Breweries (SAB) has responded to the concerns of their neighbouring businesses in Johnson Street, Alrode.

For years the surrounding businesses have reportedly had to deal with large trucks that collect and deliver from SAB and end up blocking the gates of the respective businesses. The affected businesses include Coleman Transport, GM Graphix and Mandoval Vermiculite.

On certain days between 12 and 20 trucks park in the cul-de-sac and on the corner of Johnson and Bosworth Street making it impossible for drivers to see the oncoming traffic. More safety concerns have also been raised as employees are sometimes forced to park in the road as they wait for trucks to move away from the gates.

A staff member of GM Printing was hijacked and shot at in front of the business’ gate. Several staff members have allegedly approached the drivers and the SAB gate only to be ignored and dealt with rudely.

The high volume of trucks has also wreaked havoc in the recreation park next to Coleman Transport. The park is now apparently being used as a truckstop. The truck drivers and employees in the area are reported to enjoy their lunches at the benches in the park. It is believed that on Monday, July 20, a truck damaged one of the benches and the lawn that was once in a fairly good condition is now in a state of ruin with large portions reduced to sand.

The businesses have asked SAB to take action regarding their concerns and have called for a solution to the matter. The businesses have reportedly also asked for a meeting with the general manager of SAB Alrode.

Thuthuka Nxumalo, general manager of the SAB Alrode Brewery, said he would be in touch with the business owners.

“A SAB task team has been set up to assess the congestion caused by third party supplier vehicles in Johnson Street in Alrode, south of Johannesburg and in order to minimise any further inconvenience to neighbouring businesses, the team has devised several solutions to the problem. These solutions will be implemented over the coming weeks as part of a phased-in approach.

“Solutions include arranging for deliveries from SAB’s malting operation in Caledon, in the Western Cape, to Alrode Brewery to be staggered and the number of these deliveries by road will be reduced in favour of rail. Delivery of glass will be routed away from Johnson Street and an alternate delivery gate utilised. In order to reduce the number of vehicles arriving at the site simultaneously, SAB will review and implement more robust delivery schedules for all other raw materials.

“SAB regrets the inconvenience caused to its neighbours in Johnson Road and will keep each of them informed of the progress on the implementation of all resolutions.”

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