Outstanding results from class of 2014

We wish you only the best for the future ... go well Class of 2014 and good luck to the Class of 2015.

The long wait is over and the Class of 2014 finally received their results – and what excellent results from our community’s schools! It sure is with pride that I write this today and we wish to congratulate all the matriculants who passed.

Today it is with a warm feeling that I think about the good things in life – and one of these being learners who made their mark in life, those who gave it their all and who are now ready to enter the world as they take their first steps towards adulthood and fending for themselves.

To all of you who are celebrating today, whether you will be entering the workforce soon or whether you will further your studies, do so remembering these words of Major John L Griffith: “I do not want anybody to convince my son that someone will guarantee him a living. I want him to rather realise that there is plenty of opportunity in this country for him to achieve success, but whether he wins or loses depends entirely on his own character, perseverance, thrift, intelligence and capacity for hard work.”

Tackle every day with passion and the will to succeed, take every opportunity in every day and make it your own – don’t wait for tomorrow because that one opportunity might only knock once.

All of you have shown that you have it in you to rise above whatever the world brings to your doorstep: you are hardworking young adults with a burning ambition and the world awaits. We wish you only the best for the future.

With that we also need to give thanks to the teachers and parents for their dedication and support and for always being there when learners needed someone they could lean on.

Go well Class of 2014 and good luck to the Class of 2015.

Carina van der Walt


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