Diamond vs Carte Blanche – Albertonians comment

We bring our readers some of the comments received through our website www.albertonrecord.co.za on the Neil Diamond Carte Blanche saga:

* About time Carte Blanche got ruled against… lost credibility after their Oscar reporting.

* How could they have made so many errors? Very poor indeed…

* I remember this story… still seemed like there was little to no evidence at the time. Not surprised by this ruling. Thanks for keeping us updated.

* Just read the judgment, quite scathing against CB.

* Mooi so Neil ou seun. Jy draai gewoonlik die ander wang maar dié keer het jy jou vyande ‘n uitklophou gegee. Wanneer gaan mense leer om jou eerder uit te los. Hou aan om die regte ding te doen en vergeet die res. Nie almal van ons is vasgevang in die verlede voor 1994 nie. Ons weet wat jy werklik vir Alberton beteken.

* I was one of many who laughed when this program was aired. Today I have to apologise that I judged Diamond based on the lies of the black widow haters. It is true that no lie can live forever. Why didn’t Carte Blanche give us both sides of this story? I am very disappointed in M-Net!

* Well done Mr Diamond. We respect you our leader for never falling down. This attack of Carte Blanche was an attack against the ANC. The stongest trees grow at the edge of the forest. You are a strong tree my leader! We will protect you!

* Good luck to the Diamonds, few people have the balls to take on a bully like Carte Blanche. Seems like David has slain Goliath.

* Well done Mr Neil Diamond. You have come out on the top once again. I applaud you for going strong and not giving up as you are a role model for us all. Let people think what they want to, at the end of the day we stand strongly with you as one.

* Wow! CB is a shocker. The worst about this for me is the violation of privacy towards Neil and his family. Great to know that Neil took the matter further and won!

* Neil I hope you are not going to leave it there, I suggest you take legal action against all the people who misinformed Carte Blanche. CB should have verified the lies and they must also pay a price. We stand behind you and will stand by you in exposing the real culprits in this story. Carte Blanche even lied to all councillors in a council meeting why they attended the council meeting. They can’t be trusted and must be removed from air. It is because of programmes

like CB why government wants to control the press, they have become loose canons.

* Carte Blanche het ‘n eensydige storie gegee aan die man in die straat. Neil, Justine, weet ons is altyd bankvas agter julle! Hopelik sal Carte Blanche volgende keer hul feite dubbel en dwars bevestig en beide kante van die storie deurgee.

* It is dusgusting that the team at Carte Blanche can broadcast a programme of a person and drag his name through the mud without considering the consequences and checking all the facts. In the case of municipal councillor Diamond an apology from Carte Blanche does not really rectify the situation,

because the damage caused to him and his family and closer family has already been done. They should in fact pay a heavy fine for such a devious act. I have

always enjoyed their programme, but after this incident I will not be keen to watch. I am sure that there are other viewers that feel the same way. An act of

this nature does not just affect Neil Diamond and his family, but also the peripheral people, family, friends, business associates and the public in general. Shame on you Carte Blanche.

** You can see all comments on: https://www.citizen.co.za/alberton-record/47567/diamond-takes-on-carte-blanche-and-wins/#comments

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