More than just a pretty house

Annatjie established her hairdressing salon in 1995. What makes the location of her salon so unique is that it is one of the three remaining iron houses built in Alberton.

ALBERTON – Annatjie has lovingly restored this house. Annatjie thanks her dear friend, Yvonne de Bruin, who helped with the restoration of the house.

The house is more than 100 years old and has a sense of whimsy with pink and floral decorations. This structure is not only rich in character, but rich in heritage.

First owned by Klaas Prinsloo in 1905 and his brother Isak, who lived in the house that is now Salon Anna-Belle Hairdressing. There are two houses on one property, and Annatjie lives in the house that Klaas used to occupy.

Klaas was a pillar of the community who was actively involved in the Town Council. Mr. Hartman, who owned the dairy farm in Alberton, also lived on this property.

“It is a great honour to think that I can preserve a part of Alberton’s heritage for my children and grandchildren. I would like to thank my clients for their support, without them supporting my salon this preservation would not be possible,” Annatjie said.

She works in the salon with her assistant, who has been working with her even before she started her own salon.

The beautifully decorated walls also display all Annatjie’s achievements throughout her career. There are multiple certificates and achievements on show; this is also true for the first prize Annatjie won in 1964. She won her first place in a regional hairdressing competition for a hairstyle that can still be described as innovative.

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