Today is World Cancer Day

Considering that one-in-four individuals may be affected by the disease during their lifetime, you will realise how powerful knowledge is in detecting and preventing cancer earlier.

JOHANNESBURG – The Cancer Association of South Africa prevention and early detection campaigns promote a balanced diet and balanced lifestyle, which includes regular exercise, not smoking, staying safe in the sun, doing regular self-examinations and undergoing regular medical checkups.

Research shows that up to 90 per cent of cancers are caused by environmental factors. The war on cancer could be won if humans were no longer exposed to environmental carcinogens such as chemicals, viruses, bacteria, UV light and maintained a healthy body weight through a balanced diet and exercise.

Warning Signs: When to See a Doctor

Cancer can almost always be cured if it’s caught early, but all too often, people wait so long to see a doctor that the disease has spread to the point that it’s no longer curable.

If you notice any of the following warning signs, consult a doctor promptly.

Early Signs of Lung Cancer


Live a healthier lifestyle

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