Lethukukhanya Foundation honours Eden Park seniors

Members of the Lethukukhanya Foundation screened the Eden Park elderly for their health and well-being to support the 67-minute Mandela drive.

In honour of Mandela Day, the Lethukukhanya Foundation, dedicated to community welfare, orchestrated a heartwarming event that underscored compassion and healthcare support for the seniors of Eden Park.

Professional nurses volunteered their expertise and time to do health screenings for the senior citizens in the community.

The seniors enjoy Mandela Day with the Lethukukhanya Foundation.

The event began with unity and purpose when the nurses checked blood pressure and blood sugar levels and did general health assessments for the elderly participants. This proactive approach addressed immediate health concerns and promoted a culture of preventive care and wellness among the elderly population.

After the health screenings, the participants enjoyed a light meal and refreshments, fostering an atmosphere of camaraderie and care. This gesture nourished their bodies and lifted their spirits, creating an experience that resonated with the principles of compassion and solidarity that Nelson Mandela embodied.

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