Young golfer’s star on the rise

Gevone Skopelitis is searching for sponsors.

Golf has been more than just a sport for Gevone Skopelitis; it has been a lifelong passion cultivated since childhood.

Inspired by his grandfather, who always tuned his TV into golf channels, he found solace and excitement on the lush green fairways.

As an energetic and outgoing individual, he thrives on challenges, and golf has no shortage of them.

It is all about golf

Learning patience and resilience on the course, he acknowledges that not every day will yield his best performance.

Golf is his passion.

“Hailing from a supportive and loving family, I cherish moments spent with them and my girlfriend’s family.”

Despite facing a tragic loss in December 2023, he draws strength from his loved ones’ encouragement and his uncle’s wise words.

For him, golf is not just a game; it is a gathering of friends filled with laughter and friendly competition. He relishes the outdoor experience and the heightened concentration demanded by competitive play.

“Like every golfer, I have faced challenges, but I tackle them head-on,” he said.

Golf is what he plans to do for the rest of his life.

Whether it’s a bad day on the course or a tough competition, he seeks guidance from his grandfather or coach, Carl Nebling, to improve his game.

Despite the disruptions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, Skopelitis remained dedicated to his golfing journey, practising diligently even in limited circumstances.

As a student of the game for the past four years, he recently embarked on a new chapter by working with his coach. Inspired by his progress, he hopes to inspire others to pursue their golfing dreams and find joy in the sport.

The future

Looking ahead, he aspires to play golf professionally and leave his mark on the sport. Balancing golf with family commitments and work obligations poses challenges, but his passion for the game is unwavering.

Gevone Skopelitis with his trophies.

His advice to fellow golfers is simple yet profound: Enjoy the game and embrace its mental challenges.
Drawing inspiration from legends like Tiger Woods, he is determined to defy expectations and pursue his dreams through golf.

Wanting to pursue his professional golfing dreams, he is seeking sponsorship. Any potential sponsors interested in supporting the rising star can reach out and be part of Skopelitis’ journey to golfing greatness.

Contact him on 071 605 9109 or


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