WATCH: Gymnast Goapele soars to new heights

Congratulations to young gymnast Goapele Moatshe on her recent outstanding second-place finish in the U12 SA Gym Games competition.

In an exhilarating display of talent and determination, Goapele Moatshe, a young gymnast from Mayberry Park, has secured second place in the U12 Level 4 SA Gym Games competition.

The event, held on October 5 at the Matsport Centre in Centurion, showcased the impressive skills and abilities of young gymnasts from across the country.

Goapele’s achievement came with an incredibly close margin, falling short of first place by a mere difference of 0.01 points. Her remarkable performance has captured the attention of the gymnastics community and cemented her as one of the rising stars in the sport.

Goapele’s journey to the U12 SA Gym Games competition has been nothing short of incredible.

“She had previously achieved first place in the Ekurhuleni region and later clinched an impressive sixth place in the Gauteng district. These achievements served as stepping stones leading to her exceptional performance in the national competition, where she secured the coveted second-place position,” explained her mother Palesa Moatshe.

Goapele, who is only 12 years old, has displayed immense dedication and passion for the sport since the age of eight.

WATCH: Goapele Moatshe in action

According to her mother, Goapele has spent countless hours honing her skills, practising routines, and perfecting her technique.

“Her hard work and commitment have undeniably paid off, placing her among the top gymnasts in the country. Her journey to the U12 Level 4 SA Gym Games competition has not been without its challenges. Goapele faced stiff competition from talented gymnasts from all corners of SA,” she said.

However, with unwavering determination and a strong belief in her abilities, she managed to overcome these obstacles and shine on the national stage.

Exceptional abilities

Her flawless execution of complex routines, graceful movements, and stunning athleticism captivated the audience and impressed the judges. Goapele’s performance undoubtedly left an indelible mark on all those who witnessed it.

“The gymnast’s tremendous achievement reflects not only her own talent but also the unwavering support and guidance she has received from her coaches, family, and friends. Their collective effort and encouragement have been instrumental in propelling her to greatness,” Palesa said.

Goapele’s exceptional showing in the U12 SA Gym Games competition serves as a testament to the promising future of South African gymnastics.

“It is a source of inspiration for young athletes across the country, encouraging them to pursue their dreams and never relinquish their passion for the sport. As Goapele continues to soar to new heights in her gymnastics career, the entire Alberton community is rallying behind her, celebrating her incredible achievements and eagerly anticipating what lies ahead,” she said.

Goapele’s unwavering determination and ability to overcome challenges serves as an inspiration to athletes of all ages and backgrounds.

Palesa wished her daughter well ahead of her journey, echoing that they cannot wait to see what the future holds for the talented youngster.

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