Alberton racers gear up to hit the track

At least three Alberton racers will compete at Zwartkops on September 23, and they anticipate plenty of action.

Alberton racers will compete in the fifth round of the Gauteng Historic Tour at Zwartkops Raceway near Pretoria on September 23.

Meyersdal’s Rob van Aarle will compete in the HRSA Ben Morgenrood Pursuit Challenge in his 1969 Ford Escort Mk1.

“The Pursuit Challenge is a handicap-style race, with the aim being that if all competitors lap closely to their qualifying times, they should all cross the finish line at the same time. We can expect Rob to defend well and post a good result,” explained Brackenhurst resident and racer Bruce van Niekerk.

Blane de Meillon of Brackendowns will have a busy day. He will race his 1980 S&J Mk5 in the Historic Single-Seaters category and his Sting SuperVee in the Formula Monoposto category.

Blane de Meillon’s Sting SuperVee and Bruce van Niekerk’s Omega SuperVee ready for action. Photo: Bruce van Niekerk

Van Niekerk said the Historic Single-Seater category catered to single-seater race cars built before 2000 that still run to the technical specifications when initially manufactured and raced.

“The Formula Monoposto category is for Historical Single-Seaters upgraded since originally manufactured and raced in SA. Both single-seater categories promise some fast but friendly racing,” he said.

Van Niekerk will compete in the Formula Monoposto category in his 1981 Omega SuperVee.

Blane de Meillon in action in his 1980 S&J. Photo: Blane de Meillon

In addition to racing in that category, he will be pit crew for his brother Jody, who will compete in the Historical Single-Seater category against De Meillon.

“So besides the racing, there will be a lot of laughs, support and camaraderie. Team Omega ’91 will have their usual Orange Army supporting me and a celebrity joining us for the day. We will confirm the details shortly and post them on our Facebook (Team Omega 91) and Instagram (team_omega_91) pages,” he explained.

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