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Kung Fu practitioners gather for camp

Shun Wu Tang Kung Fu held their annual National Camp for their Kung Fu schools from all across the country.

SHUN Wu Tang Kung Fu held its annual national camp for it kung fu schools from all across the country.

On Saturday, August 6, the camp got under way and saw schools from Cape Town, Port Elizabeth, Durban, Johannesburg, Springs, Alberton and Pretoria gather at Malonjeni Guest Farm in Midvaal. The camp ran until Tuesday, August 9.

This eagerly anticipated get-together gives students from the different schools an opportunity to train together and learn from each other. This particular camp was special in that it also included a black sash grading. Saturday morning saw 11 students taking on the gruelling seven-hour black sash grading, where they were pushed to the limit to advance to the next level.

Three of our own local Alberton students took part in this grading. Malcolm Leach and Heath Jordaan graded from first degree to second degree black sash. Congratulations to these three students who made the Alberton club proud.

The grading tested their physical strength and fitness, their knowledge of hand and weapon forms, and their ability to apply their knowledge in partner applications and free sparring.

Early Sunday morning saw all the Shun Wu Tang students get off to an early run in the private game farm to ease the aching muscles from the previous days’ training. This was followed by a stretching session and various other exercises as they made their way back to the Malonjeni main camp.

Instructors from the various schools each had a turn to share their knowledge and experience with the group. This varied from sparring and grappling techniques to bag work, and also included interesting training like blindfolded sparring. Being blindfolded forces fighters to use their other senses and be more perceptive to their surroundings and opponent.

The senior instructors and heads of schools had the opportunity to spend time together and practise their senior forms and to get consensus on the training syllabus and techniques. This is an important part of maintaining standards across the schools, which are spread around the country. A senior delegate also visits Taiwan each year to train with Grand Master Su Chien Miel to further cement consistency in the Shun Wu Tang kung fu style.

Overall the weekend was a huge success and everyone at all levels gained some new knowledge from the experience.

For information about Alberton Shun Wu Tang, visit: www.swtalberton.co.za or call Shifu Simon Cumberland on 076 294 3184.

*Article (edited) and photos supplied by Ian Peach.

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