School sportSport

It’s not luck, it’s skill

Alberton Primary School has maintained a winning streak for 20 years at the English Inter-Schools Athletics.

ALBERTON Primary School athletes reached a milestone in their school history on Tuesday, February 2, when they won the English Inter-Schools Athletics competition for the 20th consecutive year.

The inter-schools competition was held at the Bracken Primary School.

Principal Bertus van den Berg felt the pressure when he was given the position of athletics organiser in 2008. He stated that every year the pressure increases to keep the winning streak going.

This year, all the schools faced the challenge of having only two weeks to prepare the learners who were not training throughout the holidays.

The strategies used to achieve consistent success are guarded closely by the athletics department. Van den Berg was only prepared to say that hard work, motivation and dedication form the basis of their training.

The learners who participate often run in more than one event and need mental as well as physical stamina and focus. The team is coached by teachers without outside specialist assistance.

“This can only be achieved through the dedication, hard work and commitment of all the stakeholders – staff, coaches, parents and athletes,” said Van den Berg.

Also read:

Alberton Primary schools have a field day with athletics

Alberton Primary victorious at Athletic Championships


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