Speedway racing

Speedway racing commences in Walkerville on January 31.

THE first Speedway racing will start at 13:00 on Sunday, January 31.

Practise days will take place the day before racing and no longer the week prior to the event.

Fees for 2016 are as follows: R150 membership (per annum) to be paid by all riders; R70 practise day fees which are used to prep the track; R100 race entry fee payable by members each month at a race meeting and R150 race entry fee payable by non-members each month at a race meeting.

The annual general meeting (AGM) for Walkerville Speedway will take place at the track on Saturday, February 7, at 13:00 for 13:30. Please make every effort to attend.

Should you require any further information, please contact Bobby on 073 808 1913.

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