Slow and steady does not win the race

Racing and a few hefty crashes brought the Walkerville Speedway track alive.

EXCITING racing and a few hefty crashes brought the Walkerville Speedway track alive on Sunday, August 30, in a challenge between the Walkerville Speedway Club (WSC) and the Southern Speedway Riders Club – Rebels (SSRC).

In the qualifying round six two-man teams contested in two separate groups while the top two teams from each group progressed through to the semi-finals. The semi-final winners went head to head in the final.

Group A teams were:

1. Toms Alley Cats – Lyle Kotze/Robin Brill (SSRC)

2. Neil Petit/Peter Buck (WSC)

3. Gio Nunes/Marco van der Merwe (WSC)

Group B teams were:

4. Mario van der Merwe/Grant Frank (WSC)

5. Assured Freight Services – Byron Bekker/Justin Steyn (SSRC)

6. Mondeor Vetenary Clinic – Mac Magill/Jannie De Jager (SSRC)

Kotze/Brill, Petit/Buck, Bekker/Steyn and Van der Merwe/Grant progressed to the semi-finals.

Semi-final 1:

Kotze/Brill vs Bekker/Steyn. Steyn crashed out bringing the race to a halt and forcing a re-run. Bekker won the race for the Assured Freight Services team but the second and third place for the Toms Alley Cats team was enough to see them into the final.

Semi-final 2:

Van der Merwe/Frank vs Petit/Buck. Petit won the race, but again as in the first semi’s, the second and third spots were enough to get Van der Merwe/Grant through to the final with Buck finishing in fourth in the final.

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