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Polo International Horse Trials – the ultimate equestrian event

The Polo International Horse Trials 2014 was nothing short of exceptional, bringing sports fanatics, fashionist and philanthropists together to experience the ultimate equestrian event.

TAKING place between October 3 and 5, the Polo International Horse Trials was without a doubt the highlight of the sporting calendar. Kyalami was transformed in order to host a three-day triathlon event in which horsemanship was pitted against endurance, strength, speed and discipline.

Throughout the course of the weekend, each of the participating jockeys and their trusty steeds aimed to please in three categories: dressage, cross-country and show jumping. This proved to be a worthy challenge for which all were willing to put their best hoof forward.

Ultimately, it was previous SA eventing champion Martyn Swanepoel on his horse, Voigtskirch Kardinal, who claimed first place as the Polo International Horse Trials 2014 FEI2 class winner. Swanepoel was also fortunate enough to compete in the 2010 World Equestrian Games in Kentucky USA, and with this recent International Horse Trials victory, he is definitely one to watch.

Other notable victories included Murray Pote on Callaho Carlos Santana in second place, Graham Winn on Voigtskirch Senator in third and Errin Dempsey on Equal Image in fourth. Many other nail-biting victories and close conquests were the order of the day, ensuring plenty of action for spectators throughout the event.

After all the on-field drama, the Polo International Horse Trials took a little break from all the adrenaline to give guests a chance to sit back, relax and see what Polo has to offer in the 2014 range for women and men. The fashion show merged versatility and luxury, reminding Polo wearers why they fell in love with this iconic brand and giving others a taste of fashion love at first sight. This year’s show infused simplicity with a dash of sophistication, resulting in a range appealing to those with a love for beautiful, finely crafted clothing.

As for the event’s goal to help spread awareness for the work done by CANSA (Cancer Association of South Africa). Laura Stewart, Marketing Manager of Polo, said: “One of the primary objectives of the Polo International Horse Trials was to build awareness on a subject that is both topical and familiar to many who have lost loved ones – cancer. The Pink Pony 5km Walkathon was specifically aimed at this cause, sending out the message that being diagnosed with cancer is not a dead-end, but the beginning of a journey rooted in empowerment, which does not have to be walked alone.”

Last year’s initiative raised R100 000, and while this year‘s targets will only be determined towards the end of the year as Pink Pony merchandise sales figures are recorded, the initiative is sure to be even more of a fundraising success.

The Polo International Horse Trials 2014 saw a turn-out that has doubled from the first Polo International Horse Trials held in 2013, going to show that horizons are becoming broader and the diverse South African market’s interest is growing exponentially.

This is truly an event for all to record on their social calendars for next year.

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