Fun at bowls

Fun Bowls day was a great success.

HERBERT Park Bowls club would like to thank all bowlers who participated in the April 27 Fun Bowls day.

The fun day, which fielded five rinks of fours, was won by the Herbert Park Rebels team of Rob Dennis, Charlie Mancer, Louis Jacto and Mary-Ann van Tonder, who beat the fellow Herbert Park team of Milton Cummings, Joybell Rubens, Adrian and Tannith Nortjie, 28 plays nine. Of this game it was noted that while Milton Cummings (who appeared to suffer from a case of dehydration and frustration) and Joybell Rubens, who are competent league bowlers in their own right, fielded two non-bowlers in their team, husband and wife Tannith and Adrian Nortjie, who carried the team by scoring most of the nine points against Rob and his team.

However, a good day and a good laugh was had by all, and whatever the difference was in scores between all teams participating in the competition, it was not a bad reflection of the standard of play, but rather a reflection of good comradeship, on the principle whereby “ someone had to win and someone had to lose”.

The organisers of the competition would like to thank the winning team of Rob Dennis for donating their winning prize back to the travel fund, and appeal to all the members who could not make the competition for whatever reason, to note that there will be several other fundraising events taking place over the next few months, and their participation at these events will be greatly appreciated.

The next event will be Candle Lit Bowls to be held on June 6 at 18:00 for 18:30, at a cost of R20 per player. Candle Lit Bowls is a game played at night, with candles lining the rinks and a candle placed at each end at the head. There are no flood lights or torches allowed. It is anticipated that members of the Warlocks Bikers club will join in the fun after their meeting, while members of the public and from other clubs are most welcome to join in the fun.

The game will be played over 10 to 12 ends. Contact Joy Rubens on 082 707 0868 or Rob Dennis on 082 494 0683 for more details.

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