
Love the game

I hope you enjoyed the past weekend’s Currie Cup rugby as much as I did. At least this weekend’s game was less troubled by worries and concerns about our Bok team winning or not. Well, let’s start at the Lions vs Blue Bulls game. This was a fantastic game of rugby to watch. The Lions …

I hope you enjoyed the past weekend’s Currie Cup rugby as much as I did. At least this weekend’s game was less troubled by worries and concerns about our Bok team winning or not.

Well, let’s start at the Lions vs Blue Bulls game. This was a fantastic game of rugby to watch. The Lions are playing the best rugby in this competition at the moment, and this is highlighted by their ability to score tries.These tries are created and some of them started in their own red zone. During Saturday’s game you could see the team’s backline is well coached.

Players will run in cross lines, creating gaps and overlaps for them. When it comes to the line break they square up beautifully and with pace they cut through the opposition’s defence like a warm knife through butter.

It does not stop here then; the rest of the team’s support is brilliant. They ensure at all times that they are on both sides of the ball carries, which means the off load is most of the time successful which ensures the team keep momentum and finish off with some wonderful try scoring.

The Blue Bulls on the other hand are coached below par for this kind of competition, or otherwise it is the players that are just slack and lazy. They have a massive pack of forwards, young energetic and strong guys, but their agility is poor. Their back line is dangerous and Bjorn Basson made some tries look too easy with his ability to run across the line of defence.

I was stunned with the way the Sharks performed, and manner which they demolished the Cheetah forwards followed by fantastic backline play. I honestly thought this game was going to be very close encounter with great attacking play from both sides. On the day the Sharks was absolutely brilliant, and at the moment the team to beat in the competition.

I do not want to say too much about the WP Griquas game because Province was very lucky to win that game. Griquas threw away so many opportunities to celebrate victory, that they can only blame themselves for the position they are defending on the competition log.

I must be honest and say that I cannot wait for the Boks vs All Blacks game here in Jozi soon, it could be the game of the decade for us.

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