
Albertonian decries unpunished and continual traffic offences by vehicle drivers

The EMPD’s traffic officers regularly receive their salaries, but what work do they do because they are never seen?

I live in Alberton and travel daily during work days from my home in New Redruth to my offices in New Redruth (about 1.5km).

Daily, whether travelling to the offices or returning home, I consistently witness traffic offences committed by people driving motor vehicles, particularly taxi drivers.

Drivers who adopt an attitude of not stopping at traffic lights or stop signs, changing lanes without indicating and taxi drivers stopping anywhere to offload their passengers, even if it is in the middle of an intersection, preventing other traffic users from crossing the road.

I pay my rates and taxes regularly and contribute substantially to SARS. I do not doubt that the traffic officers employed by the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality regularly call at the end of the month and receive their salaries.

What work do they do because they are completely invisible? Why are they being paid?

I therefore pose this question to the authorities and ask them to do something about it.

George Dracatos

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