First Randhart Cubs go on a camp

Kaelyn Adams from First Randhart Scout Hall shares his camp experience with the Alberton Record and members of the community.

Are there any youngsters up for adventure wanting to learn new things?

Well, I have the answer. My name is Kaelyn Adams, a Scout from the First Randhart Scout Hall.

Recently, I went on a camp as a Cub instructor with the Cubs in our district and I would love to tell you all about it!
The camp was a one-night stay at Henley on Klip, in their Scout hall. We stayed outdoors in tents, sleeping under the stars.

During the day, we played games and many fun activities such as scavenger hunts, yoga, learning to tie knots, bowling using plastic bottles, and much more.

Activities in progress.

The Rovers taught us how to leopard crawl and the different trail signs. We also had craft sessions where we all used our creativity to make adorable projects. For example, we made birds out of toilet rolls and feathers and threaded wool on paper to make a fire symbol.

During the night we were supposed to go stargazing but the weather was bad, which led us to watch a movie.

The food was mouth-watering! For snacks we had muffins. Different fruits were available throughout the day in case anyone was hungry. For lunch, we had ham and cheese sandwiches. We let the Cubs butter their own bread.

For supper, we had macaroni, broccoli and cheese sauce and as a special treat for dessert jelly and custard. For breakfast the next morning we had cornflakes and bacon, eggs and a croissant.

This was a great bonding experience for the Cubs; they met many new people from other troops in our district and got to spend their weekends with their new friends.

Cubs engaging in various activities.

They were all very social during the weekend, playing together, eating together and making memories.

The only thing that could have made this camp better would be more Cubs to bond with. We are inviting all of Albertonians, seven to eleven years old, to join the club.

We meet every Friday from 17:00 to 18:30 for fun activities.

Best regards

Kaelyn Adams

010 880 4411

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