Thousands of litres of water goes to waste in Brackendowns

A ratepayer who is at her wits’ end has highlighted what she describes as a dangerous situation affecting road users and residents alike.

For the last three weeks, we have been trying desperately to report a water leak in Kate Street, Brackendowns, but sadly to no avail. Thousands of litres of precious water are being wasted with no regard for our reports.

I have reported this incident 13 times, and have obtained reference numbers, but as you can see from the attached photos, the council merely closes the request.

We have mailed the ward councillor Thavha Maifala-Masebe and Mayor Sivuyile Ngodwana also to no avail. Not only is this a dangerous situation for cars and residents, but the newly filled pothole is now bigger than it was before.

It is a frustrating endeavour and sad to see the gallons of precious water wasted, as the stormwater drains are so blocked with debris that the water is collecting on the street causing more problems to residents’ properties. I am not the only resident in Kate Street that has reported this problem.

Our rainy season will soon be over and water restrictions will no doubt be implemented. However, how can we as ratepayers be satisfied with services at such a disastrous level?

Sandy Sulter

Ward councillor’s response

“As far as the issue of a water leak which continued for more than a week at Kate Street, as the councillor of the area I responded immediately, or within reasonable time to all the queries that were raised with me,” explained Ward 38 Clr Thavha Maifala-Masebe.

He said residents should be aware that as much as he would like to see issues resolved timeously, the relevant departments are responsible for addressing matters raised.

“On my part, it is to ensure that when issues are raised for escalation it is done. I can confirm that in this case, I did escalate the matter as often as I received it from the residents. I also conducted a quick site visit to see the severity of the issue reported,” he said.

Despite numerous interventions from his side, he said the department continued to fail to attend to the issue timeously.

“As it happens, it was not until I requested a response to be given at a given deadline, did the officials respond to my request. While I do understand that departments are under financial strain, the residents were rightfully left irritated,” Maifala-Masebe said.

He assured that he always implores officials to be as responsive to residents as he is. “That way the open channels of communication between the city officials and the residents they serve are always open.

“Furthermore, I am of the view that government departments must not close issues before they are attended to. This is what further agitates residents and councillors alike. I will continue to advocate for better services to be given by officials at all times,” he said.

The Alberton Record has reached out to the City of Ekurhuleni and despite being given ample time to reply, no response was provided.

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