Resident raises concerns about the state of Alberton

The way things are deteriorating in the Alberton community raises serious concerns to its residents. A local resident has wrote an opinion piece to the Alberton Record about how the town is losing its beauty.

In 2020 things at Funny Farm changed drastically and the problem is more than just homelessness.

Our town is deteriorating slowly as the days go by and the community that lives there is up to sinister things.

Our parks are no longer safe to take our children and our streets are no longer safe to walk. Crime has spiked tremendously within the surrounding areas.

What is to come of this? Who is going to do something about the issues we are facing?

Alberton was once a beautiful place.

These people claim poverty on our roads, yet you see them with beers and cigarettes. This makes a person wonder if there is really hunger or if is it funding a certain lifestyle? The people whom we see are getting worse, so it could be drugs.

It’s time that we claim our town back.

Concerned resident

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