‘What an idiot you are dear sir’

I have been wanting to write to the Alberton Record for a very long time and this morning I just felt that I need to put pen to paper.

The incident I want to refer to happened on February 22 just after 07:00 at the onramp from the R59 to Swartkoppies Road again. And I say again because this stretch of road and that intersection needs serious law enforcement intervention.

But let me get on with it. To the man (because a gentleman he sure is not) in his white vehicle who came speeding towards the onramp, illegally in the yellow emergency lane, I can only say you are a bully, you are an idiot and yet, you did not scare me one bit.

Like the many other road users behind me we had our indicators on showing all of you that we now need to get off the highway onto the onramp and yet, you kept on speeding and then flashed your lights at me as I got onto the onramp. All of that while you are the one in the wrong and breaking the laws of the road.

An emergency lane is not the third lane of the highway, it is there for an emergency vehicle in case of an emergency. What don’t you get?

Needless to say, you nearly hit me from behind, and yes, I showed you in no uncertain terms that you can bugger off because I am in the right. You are the one breaking all laws of the road.

Then you wanted to push me back into the traffic and when I would not give you that pleasure and soothe your little ego, you brushed past me, swerved in front of me, hitting your brakes and doing your intimidating (or so you thought) driving and swerving and braking in front of me, putting yourself, your passengers, me and those behind me in so much danger.

You can open your car door and hang out of it swearing at me and calling me names, however, much you like – you are the one looking stupid at that moment.

I can assure you if I was driving a 4×4 you would not dare to do what you did. If I was a male driver, you also would not even think of acting the way you did.

If you, for one moment, think that your actions and reactions this morning is what makes you a manly man, then dear sir, you should think again because you simply are a bully.

I do hope that those in your vehicle weren’t your children because what a sad and terribly disappointing example you set.


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