Request for EMPD to patrol R59

Normally peak hour traffic brings out the hooligans in drivers on the R59.

I think we should all demand a more visible presence of EMPD vehicles on our roads and highways around Alberton.

Despite an accident on the R59 close to Michelle Avenue on July 24, traffic flowed with ease.

No road rage, drivers keeping their following distance, drivers asking nicely by actually using their indicators (those little orange lights most drivers these days consider an optional extra to their vehicles) when they wanted to switch lanes.

It was an absolute pleasure driving to work.

And let me tell you, this is not the norm driving on the R59.

Normally peak hour traffic brings out the hooligans in drivers and that is a fact since I travel on the R59 daily so I should know.

However, on the said day, for some reason, there were about six EMPD vehicles, as well as two Nyala’s with their lights flashing driving with ease in the emergency lanes as if controlling the traffic. Motorists for once obeyed the rules of the road. Even when we got off the R59 to get onto Swartkoppies Road, there were no motorists making an illegal third lane turning right as you get off the R59 to turn onto Swartkoppies.

No heart palpitations, no frustrations, no tempers going through the roof. It was just a pleasant morning driving to work, as it should be.

Low and behold. Thursday and Friday there was not an EMPD vehicle in sight and things went back to the abnormal ‘normality’ with the R59 once again becoming a death trap where accidents are just waiting to happen.

Please EMPD make this a regular thing. Make this a daily thing. Let’s get rid of the bad drivers on the roads.

Carol de Kock


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