
Lucia deserves our sympathy, not scorn

Other people couldn’t believe how someone could lose R20 000 cash, but obviously, it’s very possible. The lady told me that it was

AFTER scrolling through the RECORD’s Facebook and coming across 70-year-old Lucia Celtkamp’s letter about losing R20 000 in cash which was meant to pay off her home bond, my heart sunk into my feet for her part.

I could only imagine the absolute sense of hopelessness and helplessness this poor lady must be feeling. Personally, I don’t think the person who picked up the cash will pay it back – that would require a miracle.

I read a lot of comments to this letter on Facebook, and although most people expressed empathy and sadness towards her dilemma, other people had no sympathy for her at all. I couldn’t believe what I was reading.

Some people insisted it was a scam, but how could it be? The lady put her phone number there for all to see, despite how dangerous it can be to share one’s contact details publicly. I even called her myself just to give her a pep talk. It was really her and I could hear how truly sad she was over the phone.

Other people couldn’t believe how someone could lose R20 000 cash, but obviously, it’s very possible. The lady told me that it was

R20 000 in R200 notes, which means it was 100 money leaves. It’s not as if she was carrying a briefcase full of notes with her – 100 money notes tied together is really not that big and difficult to accidentally lose.

Also, we are all human and we all make mistakes. I won’t be told that any person has never misplaced something valuable like their wallet or phone or handbag – it can happen any time to anyone. Also, consider that she is rather old and that older people generally struggle with misplacing and losing things. I am appalled at the lack of sympathy of the people who made those negative Facebook comments on her letter.

I do hope that Lucia somehow gets the help that she needs. I tip my hat to her for thinking of contacting the newspaper as a last resort for help; I can see that a lot of people have taken notice of her story. Thanks to the Alberton RECORD for getting her story out to try in helping her.

Alberante resident


Home repossession looms as pensioner drops R20 000 near bank in Brackenhurst

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