
Residents fuming over wrong valuations

Ek wonder of hierdie lae koste huise se "rates en taxes" nie op ons rekeninge geplaas gaan word nie.

THE RECORD has been inundated with calls, emails and even office visits by residents who have been affected by incorrect valuations on their properties.

Here is what a few of them had to say:

Ek is ook van mening dat hierdie ’n “scam” is en dat hierdie “fout”, soos Ekurhuleni dit noem, nie eintlik ’n fout is nie. Ek wonder of hierdie lae koste huise se “rates en taxes” nie op ons rekeninge geplaas gaan word nie. Ons as eienaars sal seker tevrede wees omdat ons dink ons waarde van ons erwe het opgegaan, maar eintlik is daar nog ‘n ander erf se waardasie bygevoeg sonder dat ons daarvan weet.

Die rekenings wat ek gekry het is vir ‘n erf in Tokoza vir R218 000 en Eden Park vir ‘n bedrag van R425 000.

Hoe kan ons seker wees dat dit nie gaan gebeur of al gebeur het nie?

Ontevrede Inwoner

Regarding your article about incorrect valuations on the front page of the Alberton Record, I have received the same incorrect documents. What can we do? When you visit the municipality you will sit in queues for ages and get no assistance, as they are all incompetent and will waste our time. Councillors and officials should investigate and force them to redo their work properly and offer an extension on the date.

Mrs D Venter

I am also one of the Ekurhuleni residents who has received incorrect valuations. I went and requested a correction at the municipality, who had already handed me over to their lawyers for collection. I showed their lawyers that my property was incorrectly valued and they told me they will cease demanding the payment on receipt of the instruction from their client (Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality).

Daniel Gasela Magagula

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